Newsletter ( March 2012 ) – Results of the Questionnaire – Nov. 2011



On behalf of the Practice and the Patient Participation Group we must say a big Thank You to everyone who completed a survey questionnaire for us in October last year, and to the people who helped us give the questionnaires out and collect them in again. It was a significant task: 350 questionnaires were completed with 28 questions on the questionnaire.

We’re pleased to say that 89% of all patient ratings about this practice were good, very good or excellent.


The Partners and staff have met with Patient Participation Group to discuss the results of the survey and agree what can be done to respond to concerns and suggestions.


Abuse of disabled parking at the main surgery.

The Partners can confirm that the Disabled Parking is intended for Blue Badge Holders only and they will take steps to ensure that this is made more clear to patients in future, for example, by signage and reminder messages on the Envisage screen.

The Partners also recognise, however, the need for a “Drop Off” point for patients who temporarily have restricted mobility. Also delivery drivers need this facility. Again the use of appropriate signage will be investigated.


Difficult for patients to get through on the telephone.

In June we will move to a new computer system called EMIS web. This system will allow us to release appointments in a different way. Hopefully this will reduce the pressure of so many patients trying to ring through for same day appointments when they are released each morning. We will inform patients about the changed service nearer the time.

All patients are eligible to book advance appointments and request repeat prescriptions on- line. Please ask a Receptionist for details of how to register. This is a free service, available 24 hours, and could save you a phone call.


Difficult to get appointments in the middle of the day.

Currently the GPs use the middle of the day for Home, Hospital and Hospice visits. However, in the future if commitments lessen, we will look again at using this time for appointments with the doctors.

In the meantime there are appointments available with a Nurse Practitioner up until 1.00pm and from 1.30pm.


There are no Saturday Surgeries.

Many Practices, including this one, offer surgeries outside normal working hours. Some provide these on a Saturday morning, however after careful consideration we have decided to provide Extended Hours instead on a Tuesday evening from 6.30pm – 8.00pm and to open earlier every day at 8.00am

We can offer a full range of services during these times whereas for reasons outside our control we cannot on a Saturday morning. For example there is no sample collection on a Saturday and a repeat visit to Surgery may prove necessary.

Appointment times are 8.00 am to 6.00pm Mon to Fri in the main surgery with appointments to 8.00 pm on a Tuesday, and 8.00 to 12.15pm at Whittington.







There is a lack of privacy at Reception

This is a good point, and it is an issue that affects many Practices. Clearly the physical layout of the buildings restricts us in this matter, however we are aware that this is an issue. We do take note of it in Staff training and we will look at what further measures we can take; for example organisation of queuing at Reception.


Lack of Well Person Checks.

The Practice does provide well person checks if a patient requests them. Please ask a Receptionist if you would like to book one.


Doctors and Nurses running late for appointments.

Our appointment system allows each patient 12 mins. consultation time. Sometimes, for very good clinical reasons, 12 mins. may not be sufficient and some overrun is inevitable.

Nevertheless in future patients will be encouraged, when they know they have a number of problems they need to discuss, to book a double appointment.


Not knowing who the Diabetic nurse is.

All Practice nurses can provide care to patients with diabetes through advice and regular checks. However all clinical staff have special interests and these will be included on a Staff Notice Board which we intend to display in the Reception area.


Problems getting through to cancel appointments.

For obvious reasons it is most important that patients, who are unable to attend, cancel their appointments. However we accept that this can be difficult by telephone at busy times or when the telephones have been switched to Out of Hours Service.

As an alternative we have set up a dedicated Text message mobile phone number so that patients can text to cancel an appointment. This number is monitored closely.

This number – 07889 026 561 – will be advertised prominently in the future.  Please note that we will not answer that mobile number or answer text messages to it.


Lack of Self Care Information.

We have put a link on our Practice website ( to which provides self care information.

We will add information about to our envisage screen in the main surgery and periodically put it on repeat prescriptions.

We will develop letters to patients with chronic diseases to give information about what tests and checks we need them to attend the surgery for.


Your Feedback


If you have any additional suggestions, which might help with any of these matters please contact the Deirdre Smouna, Practice Manager, or the Patient Participation Group via which is free to access, or come along to a meeting.  The Patient Participation Group has a notice board in the waiting rooms at both surgeries with information about future meetings.  Everyone is welcome to come or e-mail views in for discussion at a meeting.


About langtonppg

Langton Medical Group's Patient Participation Group - For Langton patient's by Langton patients.
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